
In-Person Voting Options
Voters may cast a ballot at their voting location on election day or they may cast an in-person absentee ballot before election day. Voters must show identification no matter which option they choose. Information for the current election is listed below.
There are no scheduled elections for 2025.
We will post all dates and deadlines for 2026 at a later time.
On the Day of the Primary Election
All precinct locations will be open on the day of the Primary Election from 6:00am - 6:00pm Registered voters may cast their ballot on election day in the location that serves their current voting precinct OR at any of the six (6) Fayette County Public Library vote centers. Voters may verify their voting location by clicking here or by contacting the Elections Department at 859-255-8683.
Before the Day of the Primary Election In-Person Absentee Voting Options
Option 1 - In-Person Absentee Voting Without Excuse
Any registered voter of the county who has not requested a mail-in absentee ballot may cast an in-person absentee ballot at any of the six (6) Fayette County Public Library voting centers for any reason. The locations will be open from 8:30am - 4:30pm.
The voting centers will be at:
Beaumont Branch Library - 3080 Fieldstone Way, 40513
Central Library - 140 East Main Street, 40507
Eastside Branch Library - 3000 Blake James Drive, 40509
Northside Branch Library - 1733 Russell Cave Road, 40505
Tates Creek Library - 3628 Walden Drive, 40517
Marksbury Family Branch Library - 2197 Versailles Road, 40504
Option 2 - In-Person Absentee Voting With Qualifying Excuse
Any registered voter of the county with a qualifying excuse (see below) who has not requested a mail-in absentee ballot may cast his/her in-person absentee ballot at the Fayette County Clerk's Office, 162 E Main St, between 8:00am and 4:30pm.
Qualifying Reasons for Option 2
1. The voter is a Covered Voter as defined in KRS 117A.010 - These are Kentucky residents who are members of the Uniformed Services and their dependents, or voters who are residing overseas (temporarily or permanently) who will be absent from the county on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
2. The voter or the voter's spouse has surgery scheduled that will require hospitalization on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
3. The voter is temporarily residing outside the state but is still eligible to vote in this state (this includes vacationers) and will be absent from the county on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
4. The voter is a Covered Voter as defined in KRS 117A.010 who will be confined to a military base on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
5. The voter is in her last trimester of pregnancy
6. The voter is unable to appear at the polls on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person voting due to age, disability, or illness
7. The voter is a student who temporarily resides outside his/her county of residence and will be absent from that county on the day of the election and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
8. The voter is employed in an occupation that is scheduled to work during all days and all hours the polls are open on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting
9. The voter is an election officer tasked with election administration for the current election cycle