
Working as an Election Officer
Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and election officers are the backbone of conducting elections. The Board of Elections is always looking for qualified voters to assist in conducting elections.
Election officers are voters who help ensure the voting process goes smoothly. More than 1100 voters in Fayette County serve as election officers for the Fayette County Board of Elections to ensure that fair and accurate elections are conducted. On Election Day the Board of Elections counts on election officers to efficiently process voters, provide instructions on the proper use of voting equipment, and make sure that everyone who is eligible is given the opportunity to vote. It's a great way to serve your community and it's a day to feel proud to be an American.
Requirements to Serve as an Election Officer:
1. An election officer must be a qualified Democrat or Republican (or in some cases an Independent) voter in the precinct in which he/she serves unless appointed as an alternate. An alternate must be a registered voter in the county. Registered 17-year-olds may serve in the primary election if they will be 18 years old on or before the day of the general election.
2. An election officer shall not have changed his or her voter registration party affiliation after Dec. 31 immediately preceding his or her appointment to serve for the Primary, or after the second Tuesday in August to serve for the General Election.
3. An election officer must be able to read and write English.
4. An election officer must attend training sessions required by the Fayette County Board of Elections before each primary and general election.
5. An election officer cannot be a candidate for office during the election year.
6. An election officer cannot be the spouse, parent, brother, sister or child of a candidate who is to be voted for at the election in the precinct in which the election officer will serve on Election Day.
7. An election officer must be able to work from 5:15 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or until the polls close, to stand for long periods of time and lift up to 30 pounds.
8. An election officer must have transportation to election training and to the precinct on Election Day.
If you feel you are qualified based on the criteria above and would like to serve as an election officer, please send an email to elections@fayettecountyclerk.com that includes your name, address, and phone number where you may be reached. We will add you to our pool of potential officers and we will contact you when an officer is needed.